Thursday, September 09, 2010


On Wednesday this week we had these. After a beautiful summer, this was the first real, day after day rain we'd had. Autumn officially begins in September, but August can feel like it's begun. Having said that... Avery, had found a Noro hat I made 2 years ago. She loves the hat. It's a bit saggy and falls to one side. I'm thinking Rhasta is in her future. She thinks dreads are amazing and now that she knows someone who has them and is her race and hair type, there's no stopping her. I have to reassure her that until she finishes High School, they're not allowed.

So being inspired by rainbows and all things bright, she selected the Noro Taiyo yarn. Cotton, silk, wool and nylon. Should wash well too.

Mine is on the left. A bit more subdued and hers is the other.

This is the way is perches on her head. Night and day. She does take it off for classes, but then it goes back on right away.

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