Thursday, March 01, 2007

Learning to Sew

Daughter Avery came home on Monday and said, "I need a costume to wear to school on Thursday. I want to be Wilbur the cat." "It's Book Day and we're dressing up as our favourite character. " WHOA!! First, who is Wilbur the cat. I thought he was a pig! Next, a cat costume in two days, due to the fact that the only 3 fabric stores in Dublin close nightly at 5:30ish and it's now 4:30. OK, breath in and out. You can do this. Let's look in the house (or closet) of Fabric I have upstairs. Certainly we can salvage something from the costume boxes in the children's rooms.

We have ninja, dalmatian, pirate, Dracula, princess-o-rama and a whole host of other sparkly items, but no cat. Keep breathing... Oh look, here's some black fabric from the ninja. We found a black shirt. Black trousers from Dracula (a bit big for the peanut) but they'll have to do. Let's start with ears. Got the black hair band. Let get sewing. "Can you teach me to sew???" Sure I can. We cut out the ears and pink insides. Stitch pink down. Then sew together the ears. Stuff and sew onto hairband. She's a cat! Now, onto the tail, must have a curl at the end. Done. "Mama, the trousers are to big. Can you make me some smaller ones?" No problem. They take longer to cut out than sew together. Basic PJ kind of pants. Done. So at 6ish this morning she was wide awake, dressed and ready to leave the house. Again, WHOA!!!
Best of all, my daughter wants to learn to sew at the same age I stared. She also started knitting Monday night!! My girl!


Anonymous said...

It's in the genes, I'm telling ya. Of course she's going to sew and knit and craft. She's her mother's daughter! Great costume!

Ger said...

Avery looks really cool in her lovely costume. She will really love crafting if she is anything like her Mam